Bullying and Discipline Process
By participating with the Chinook Swim Club you are in agreement with the following process.
Normal conflict happens between peers. Normal conflict occurs between people of equal power and only happens occasionally. Normal conflict is not serious and is often accidental. Those involved have an equal emotional reaction to the situation. In this relationship one party is not seeking power or attention. Those involved are not trying to get something and they do take responsiblity for their actions. They show an effort to resolve the problem once identified.
Bullying is intentional/purposeful negative actions towards another without remorse. This occurs in relationships with an imbalance of power and can be a serious threat of physical harm or emotional or psychological hurt. This behaviour will not be tolerated in the Chinook Swim Club by any parent, coach, or athlete. If bullying is identified amongst athletes in club the following will occure in four steps.
1. The Primary Coach will meet with the athlete and code of conduct will be reviewed. The parent will be contacted and the incident will be recorded and filed with the club
2. The Harrassment officer(appointed by the BOD) will begin formal investigation. Primary coach, Harrassment officer, parents, and the athlete will meet in person. A confidentiality agreement will be signed to stop all slander within the club by the parties involved. The Code of Conduct will be reviewed again and a document signed and filed with the Harrassment Officer
3. Head Coach, primary coach, Harrassment officer, and the Board of Directors will meet with parents and athletes. A final warning is given. The meeting will be documented and filed with Harrassment officer.
4. Athlete is suspended or removed from the organization. Report filed with the Board of Directors.
(At any step, consequences may be given and the police may be notified depending on the severity of the incident and the safety of those involved. )
Thank you for taking the time to review this email with all members of your family involved with the Chinook Swim Club. We will continue to work together to make sure that your athlete is training in a positive and supportive environment. Please follow the link below to read more about how you can prevent bullying.
Thank you,
Sarah Hynd