
Kate has been a registered physiotherapist since 2010, graduating from Queen’s University with a Masters of Science in Physical Therapy, a Bachelor of Science, and a Bachelor of Physical and Health Education. She has experience working with a number of sports, through an athletic therapy internship during her undergraduate education and work as an alpine ski coach at a variety of competition levels. She has been competing as an elite mountain biker and triathlete for the past 6 years, leading to a special interest in swimming, cycling, and running injuries and performance. 

Kate has worked in private practice in Ontario and BC and has treated a wide variety of conditions including motor vehicle accidents, workplace injuries, acute sport injuries, overuse injuries, and chronic pain. In addition to endurance sport injuries, she continues to expand her knowledge on appropriate management of concussion for adults and children.  

To make a physiotherapy appointment contact Coast Progressive Physiotherapy at 604-885-6292.